Monday, September 19, 2011

How long does it take to advance your belt level in taekwondo?

Let me start that saying I am NOT asking this for a stupid

purpose such as getting a Black Belt faster or anything. I do have

one reason for asking though. I was in taekwondo around 5 years

ago when I was seven, But I quit at yellow belt. Now I am thirteen

and I have rejoined, learned the basic punches/kicks, and memorized my first form. I can already spar with intermidiate levels like the green belt. So now for my question. Does any one Know how long it takes to advance your belt rank? My school is in a tournament in August six months from now and I don't want to be stuck in the white belt division. Here is my school's belt system White White Stripe (Me) Yellow yellow stipe Green (My realistic goal) Green stripe (My goal if I kinda rush things) Blue Blue stripe Brown Brown stripe Red Red stripe Black and so on More Details I practice 2 hours a day, 6 days a week I have 6 months until the tournament Basic question %26quot;Can I advance 2 low bellt ranks in 6 months?%26quot;How long does it take to advance your belt level in taekwondo?It varies from school to school. Sadly many McDojo's of the world will try to push students especially kids through every 1-3 months. They basically lower their standards and dumb down the testing so pretty much anyone can level up regardless of skill.

These blackbelt factories aren't selling martial arts training they're selling a fashion accesory. One that will fill your head with false confidence and get your *** kicked up and down the street if you ever have to really use it.

Take your time and learn it the right way.How long does it take to advance your belt level in taekwondo?Hi there

I don't practice Tae kwon do but i do have two black belts in other arts one being Wado Ryu karate the other Bujinkan. There is really no correct way to answer this as there are so many variables some good some not so good. My real advice would be to ask your instructor. There are various reasons why people are given the grades they are and some are not always based on their ability as daft as this may seem. It took me 10 years to get my shodan in Wado and 6 years for the Bujinkan.Different arts use a different skills base some are built around a strict ciriculum. Its easy to say that the more times you train the quicker you will advance. If you show that you put a good effort into everything you do and treat everyone with respect will also help. This is called having a good heart in budo.

However there is a darker side to training which being an instructor i know all too well and that's money. Money and martial arts don't mix. I know of one particular club who's senior instructor holds back his high grades purely to screw money out of them. Its sad but thats what happens when you sell out your art. You should expect to grade much quicker as an adult than when you were a child. I personally dont approve of anyone obtaining a Black Belt until they have reached 16 years of age.

Your best bet is to ask your instructor. If he's honest and its a good club then i'm sure he will provide you with a sylibus and point you in the right direction. As a general rule 3 months between the low grades 6 months for the high grades and at least 1 years training before grading to shodan.

But most importantly enjoy your training and have fun the belts will come naturally.


IdaiHow long does it take to advance your belt level in taekwondo?It varies a lot from school to school %26amp; from student to student. Discuss your progress with your instructor.How long does it take to advance your belt level in taekwondo?It depends on:

Whether the owner of the school has a real love for the martial art and is teaching students to the best of his/her capacity


Whether the owner of the school's primary interest is making money and is working a %26quot;fast turnaround%26quot; or %26quot;production line%26quot; type of organization.How long does it take to advance your belt level in taekwondo?uhh ask your teacher. A lot of the schools have different ways of advancing levels. My taekwondo school's belt rank goes higher each belt. It takes 2 months to go from white belt to yellow stripe and it takes 2-3 years to go from black stripe to black belt.How long does it take to advance your belt level in taekwondo?Your speed of advancement depends on the qualifications as defined by your instructor. Unfortunately, certain martial arts, Tae Kwon Do most especially, have begun to cater to the whim of overachieving soccer parents who think their child is the best at everything, and needs to work for nothing. These schools will often advance a student at the rate of four solid belts per year.

So you can spar with upper-level students. So what? Do you have good form, good snap? Are your stances properly balanced? Do you have proper state of mind during do-jang hours?

All of these are considered for promotion candidates, not just knowledge of forms and fighting. I've trained in three martial arts, and I made my fair share of brown and black belts eat mat, but at the same time, I've also been royally whupped on my a gold-tip once or twice too.

As cheesy as it sounds, Martial Arts are truly one of those things in life where the journey is more important than the destination. Because honestly, when you're staring into the eyes of an opponent, be it in the ring or in the street, that piece of cloth that holds your Gi closed doesn't mean squat.

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