Friday, September 23, 2011

How to put a serpentine fan belt on a Jeep Cherokee 2001?

Need to know info on how to put a serpentine fan belt back onto a Jeep cherokee 2001. Having difficulty with this.How to put a serpentine fan belt on a Jeep Cherokee 2001?There should be a diagram under the hood somewhere. It could be that it was damaged or taken off for some reason. Another way is if you could borrow a maintenance manual or buy one.

One more way is this; just figure it out. If the pulley is smooth, it contacts the back side or smooth side of the belt. If the pulley has ridges or grooves, it contacts the grooved side of the belt. The belt will run on at least 1/2 the circumference of the pulley. You can just look at the pulleys keeping these little rules in mind and follow the trail of the belt over and under and around the pulleys. When you find the path, put the belt on it and try it.

This way is a little harder but it works because the belt will only fit one way. If you run it the wrong direction, it will not fit. Make sure the grooved side meets the groove side of the pulley and is seated correctly before starting the engine.How to put a serpentine fan belt on a Jeep Cherokee 2001?you have to hold back the pressure on the tensoiner and install the belt,if you,ll look on the front of the vehicle in under the hood it will give a diagram of the way it should be installed on it,follow that and you will get it back on,make sure its on track though if not it will ruin the new belt in just a few minutes,good luck on it.How to put a serpentine fan belt on a Jeep Cherokee 2001?It is kind of complicated,I suggest if you don't have the picture of how its routed under the hood like some cars that you go to a parts store and buy a manual for your jeep and it will give you a diagram of how it goes.Good luck

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